GIBA Response to Guernsey’s Runway Debate
25th November 2019 – GIBA Chairman responds to a requete being placed by the States to revisit debate on extending Guernsey’s runway.
25th November 2019 – GIBA Chairman responds to a requete being placed by the States to revisit debate on extending Guernsey’s runway.
11th November 2019 – A joint statement from Guernsey Institute of Directors, Guernsey Chamber of Commerce Guernsey International Business Association, Chartered Institute of Personnel Development and the Confederation of Guernsey Industry.
8th October 2019 – GIBA Chairman responds to a requete being placed by the States to revisit debate on extending Guernsey’s runway.
8th October 2019 – GIBA Chairman responds to the island’s 2020 budget.
16th September 2019 – The Guernsey Branch of the Institute of Directors, the Guernsey International Business Association, the Guernsey Chamber of Commerce and the Confederation of Guernsey Industry (the G4) and the Guernsey branch of the CIPD call for an extension to the States consultation.
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